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Why Wooden Products?

While designing the business model of Aesthetic Living, along with supporting the modern rustic trends, we wanted to create something beyond aesthetically pleasing. We wanted to amplify the idea of sustainable living and contribute to making this world a better place for all of us. 

There are a number of reasons why we chose wood to be one of the core pillars of our business. Greener lands, clean water bodies, and fresh air to breathe in, sounds so peaceful. Wooden products are just a small part of this big picture that we at Aesthetic Living are about to paint.

We have backed our choice with 7 reasons on why we chose to bring wooden products. You are going to love this!

Let's make an environmentally responsible choice by choosing wood.

Environmentally responsible choice

Ever wondered how just a small change in your daily life can create an impact for a lifetime? The environmental conditions today are a result of choices we made at some point in life. This is the time to choose again, but this time, to create a better tomorrow. Thus, we chose to bring to you wooden products which are natural, renewable, and sustainable.
Wooden products are natural, non-toxic and biodegradable.

Natural material, unlike metals and plastic

Wooden products are non-toxic and biodegradable, they do not leave harmful chemicals in our food. Wooden utensils would not react with the acids present in the food and leave an unpleasant taste like metals or plastic. With the use of wooden products in our homes, we make a conscious effort to remain healthy.

Wooden products are naturally anti-bacterial having germ-killing properties.

Naturally Anti-bacterial

Wood is proven to be naturally anti-bacterial as research indicates that the wood is believed to have natural germ-killing properties. Wood is proven to be naturally antibacterial as research indicates that wood is believed to have natural germ-killing properties. 99% of bacteria placed on a wooden chopping board begin to die within minutes. A good quality wood can last for years without losing its antibacterial properties.

Wood is a bad conductor of heat and hence wooden products do not tend to heat up quickly.

Do not conduct heat

Wood being a bad conductor of electricity does not heat up. This makes the wooden spoons ideal for cooking as they don’t require additional care while cooking the meals. Wooden spoons and ladles are preferred as cooking and stirring tools. But, coming in contact with direct heat, like microwaves and sunlight is not ideal for wood as it may deform or lose its original color.

Wooden products are durable and lasts for a long time.

Durable, lasts for long!

All of our products are made out of either acacia wood or teak wood which are the hardest, most durable, and strongest of the hardwoods, making them perfect material to design homeware and kitchenware products. 

Wooden products are easy to clean and maintain.

Easy to clean and maintain

Wooden products require simple steps to take care of them. If we keep in mind the basic steps, wooden products can last for decades. Check out our care guide to know in detail.

The beauty of wood is that it can be carved into any shape and it's rustic looks just adds to the beauty of it.

Looks and Design

Wooden products are visually appealing, they are natural and have warm colors. Acacia wood has its own twists and knots in the wood which makes every product unique in design and attractive to look at. The warmth and beauty of their colors bring us closer to mother nature. They resonate with nature and make the environment peaceful. Check out our wooden products to bring the beauty of nature straight to your home.


We are confident the above reasons would help you make a sustainable choice and consider natural wooden products for your next purchase. To add a star to all of it, for every product you purchase from us, we plant a tree on your behalf. Each and every step we take at Aesthetic Living is to make sure we embrace nature and its beauty. 

Shop wooden products and create an impact with every purchase.